Tuesday 17 May 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Tote Bags: Development / Final

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2/ Product, Range and Distribution  

Tote Bags: Development / Final 

Inspired by the extended research into Peter Judson and the memphis inspired design tree I started to apply patter and colour to the interior illustration, Opting for pastels in bold vibrant colour creates consistency with the extended design series of the visual campaign aesthetic and also references this inspiration of Judson's work. Using the pink and green to complement each other creates stark contrast within the image to catch the eye of the consumer and create an engaging visual interpretation of the Farm Shops in store experience. 

Developing this into a final resolution, incorporating the established composition developed through the poster series, the use of grey stroke and chunky boarder creates a unified aesthetic style for the campaign that will be easily associated with each individual element of the campaigns promotion. To further this continuity with the campaign I used the logo underpinning the image however developed this to promote the eat local campaign however due to the illustration physical link with the in-store environment created a consistent  alternative that promotes the Hawarden Estate this acts as clearer marketing for the brand as opposed to the campaign and would work particularly well being sold in-store. 

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