Tuesday 17 May 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Campaign Pitch

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2/ Product, Range and Distribution  

Campaign Pitch 

I chose to present my final resolution as a concept pitch as this creates the most succinct and appropriate form to present my campaign, as I plan to officially pitch this proposal to the Hawarden Estate this will present the most professional freelance interpretation of myself and the campaign. To fully implement this pitch style I creates an A4 folder to present the body of work in, this will give a strong professional first impression to the client and succinctly collate the whole campaign into one place. I sourced a net online and made this unique to the campaign applying the Clients branding, Campaign logo and my own branding/ contact details on the reverse to make it easy to contact me if they want to take forth this proposal. This inside is split into who section for the style guide and sample materials that will house printed campaign materials as samples for the client to get a physical idea of how the campaign would look and feel to scale. 

The camapaign pitch is a strong concept to present my resolution and will add further professional connotations to the campaign and myself as a designer, that will hopefully result in the client choosing to make the campaign live. 

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