Saturday 7 May 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Research: Hawarden Farm Shop Target Audience Profile

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2/ Product, Range and Distribution  

Research: Hawarden Farm Shop Target Audience Profile

Demographic Profiling: 

The demographic profile for the Hawarden Estate Farm Shop is mixed gender, living in or around Hawarden with a relatively high disposable income. They would fit into the A, B and C1 NRS demographic categories and hold senior roles within their job description which support their lifestyle. They would typically be married with young children however the age range is largely variable from 25 to retirement. 

Psychographic Profiling: 

The psychographic profiling of the target audience varies from 'yummy mummies' with skilled jobs that allow them to feed their children using local produce from a young age, to status driven consumers that shop at the farm shop to justify their sense of self as this is seen as prestigious or affluent. However in contrast to this other typical consumers of the Hawarden estate are older people in early retirement whose children have left home therefore have to feed less and spend more on ingredients and take an interest in gardening therefore traceable food is important to them. There is reasonable suggestion that the majority of consumers have labour or green party political views and spend their weekends leisurely eating out, entertaining friends or visiting the farm shop, staying for lunch or coffee in the cafe and making this a leisure activity as opposed to household chore. 

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