Tuesday 17 May 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Sticker: Feedback / Further Development

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2/ Product, Range and Distribution  

Sticker: Feedback / Further Development

Asking tutors for feedback with regards to this design direction they responded critically saying there felt to be bit too much of a divide better the food illustrations used for the posters and the architectural style taken for the rest of the illustrations and suggested I may have taken it off on a tangent. Keen to Incorporate both of these style into my campaign I asked for specific feedback as to how to bring these two aesthetics holistically together. From this I brainstormed with tutors ways in which to achieve this and concluded implementing food within the architectural illustrations would converge these directions and ensure a consistent aesthetic throughout that presents an engaging and succinct campaign to the audience. 

From this I altered the circles to be lemons and incorporated a fork into the grid, this creates connotations of food and brings the aesthetic back to a aesthetic debate of food as opposed to architecture which works more appropriately for the concept of the campaign. 

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