Tuesday 17 May 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Tote Bags: Exploration

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2/ Product, Range and Distribution  

Tote Bags: Exploration

Looking through the pictures Sophie provided I particularly liked this image as it demonstrated the contemporary open plan aesthetic of the interior as well as highlighted the who different elements within the Farm  Shop, the food hall and open plan cafe serving this local produce to consumers. I initially struggled with how to articulate this visually in a similar style to the rest of the campaign to ensure it remains succinct and easily attributable to the 'Eat Local.' Campaign. 

Creating a playful and bold illustration style for an architectural theme, I took inspiration from a page from the NEST magazine and Leeds College of Art alumni, Joseph Craven, who graduated from the Printed Textiles course last year, This bold, contemporary aesthetic was perfect to link with the illustrative style that I had developed for the campaign thus far. 

From this inspiration I started to experiment with different aesthetic style overlaying the photography with basic illustrator shapes to create an accurate outline of the in-store environment which would later be developed with colour and texture to create a bold engaging design that creatively referenced the in-store environment of the Hawarden Estate. 

The process of experimentation and development lead this this resolution, inspired by the aesthetic style of Benjamin Craven's work and the Nest pull out, this aesthetic creates a similar aesthetic style with the fruit illustration to ensure the campaign is succinct, this will be ruler associated when applied into composition with the campaign logo and similar bold use of colour. 

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