Tuesday 17 May 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Sticker: Sketches / Development

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2/ Product, Range and Distribution  

Sticker: Sketches / Development

Keeping a similar aesthetic as the tote bag design and I started sketching a range of quick idea generations patterns that took inspiration fro the exiting design and further inspiration from the trend identified within the works of Peter Judson and other artists associated with the trend. This ensured a sense of continuity between the individual design elements to strengthened the overall aesthetic of the campaign. 

Developing this digitally began with overlaying shaped over the original sketch to build up a basic outline of the components which could then be further developed with pattern, pattern texture and colour. The result of this development created a bold and engaging pattern with bold colour that re-interpred the original tote bag illustration into an abstract pattern.

Re-interpreting the individual design elements from the tote bag illustration into the sticker created seamless continuity between the two however gave the initially impression of unique designs through the use of experimenting further with the colour palette and composition of these shapes within the frame. As the packaging will be most predominantly be featured within the store it makes sense to create a consistent style within the store to extend the overall experience and keep the campaign succinct and consistent. 

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