Wednesday, 18 May 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Campaign Evaluation

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2/ Product, Range and Distribution  

Campaign Evaluation 

Through the extended nature of the design process taking informed conclusions developed from primary and secondary research my project proposal was established to celebrate the use of local produce within a community environment as a viable alternative to mass super market produce. Identifying a client, The Hawarden Estate Farm Shop, whose ethos acts as a pinnacle of the social issue identifies a clear distribution system creating a commercial need for the resolution that can be informed by the client’s ethos and centred around a specific target audience. This research holistically allowed me to understand the social issue and more broadly researched the client, target audience and environment in which this campaign would be presented within, Primary research helped identify specific areas of interest for the campaign and ensured the resolutions would appeal to this audience.

Through peer feedback it was established that this bold colourful aesthetic was engaging and would work well for the concept of the campaign. This takes inspiration from the illustrative components frequently used in other adverting campaigns with a similar target audience identified within extended research.  This aesthetic was then developed in a playful illustrative style that uses an engaging blend of pattern and colour inspired by the natural produce found within the Hawarden Estate. This aesthetic was then individually developed to best suit each piece of campaign promotion from the bold poster series to more specialist pieces of promotion such as the bar coaster to be promoted in the client’s sister business demonstrating a consideration for its environment that more commercially can be advertised for free. These examples of campaign promotion will engage the target audience through the bold engaging use of imagery, the simple aesthetic confidently articulates the concept of the campaign and demonstrates a contextual insight into the target audience’s community values.

To ensure the campaign was holistic and creates a clear sense of continuity between the individual promotional materials a style guide was created to add a critical consistency within the resolutions, this ensured that if the campaign was taken live I could hand the style guide over to the client’s design team to further develop and ensure their maintenance of the campaign kept a unified distinct aesthetic style throughout. The campaign is presented in the form of a pitch proposal which concentrates the breadth of the campaign into a succinct campaign wallet that further creates synergy surrounding the whole campaign. This will add a sense of professionalism to the client of myself as a designer and the overall cameoing image, which will hopefully result in the client choosing to take this further into a live context. A meeting has been arranged for the 1st of June to pitch these ideas to the client and the use of the campaign folder will make this far simpler to present as a pitch as this use of printed collateral gives a physical example of how each piece of campaign promotion works individually and attributes to the series to create a clear set of continuity across the campaign. 

Overall the campaign is a strong resolution to the brief that identifies a clear social issue and is developed into a promotional campaign for a client that’s ethos is inline with the projects concept. This use of a client adds significant distribution values that allow me to design for a specific target audience and environment that ensures the resolution is appropriate and effective in communicating with its audience. This is demonstrated through the appropriate use of aesthetic developed through extended research and unified through a style guide to ensure a succinct sense of cross campaign continuity that further extends the professionalism of the project. 

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