Tuesday 3 May 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Introduction

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2/ Product, Range and Distribution  


Examine graphic design outputs relating to social, political and ethical change. Aim to increase your awareness of historical examples plus contemporary practice that is responsive to 21st Century issues. Be sure to note the relationship between medium and message.You should then produce a body of research work that explores the connections between these concepts and their respective design outcomes prior to your own practical and conceptual exploration of possible products, ranges and methods of distribution that may be suggested by your preferred content or, indeed, those that reflect your own ideologies, concerns and/or ambitions.


The briefing was really informative in contextualising the brief which at this stage is purposely open to place my own design insight onto. Devising a social, political or ethical issue will be the first key task in understanding the brief as from this I can begin to develop a clearer concept of how to resolve its key problems. It was established the brief is split into two distinct components of research and resolution. Due to the 30 credit weighting of the module and only two briefs within this is was clear a significant body of work needed to be produced in order to ensure it is substantial enough to fulfil the requirements. This research will be broad and varied analysing the chosen topic, previous campaigns, primary research and other inspiring research which will ensure I have a holistic understanding of the subject matter to take into the development of a practical resolution. 

A key point raised within the brief was the element of considering the distribution of the practical resolution as good design should consider its environment and how it aims to communicate with its audience, therefore these forms of visual communication should be carefully considered to reach and engage with the target audience in the most suitable of environments. Tutors suggested the resolutions should reflect appropriate materials and processes for the cause therefore cheaper production methods such as zine culture can be utilised as a final piece instead of costly high quality print outputs as they are more appropriate. I will enjoy this element of the brief as a substantial amount of my work this year has been highly refined and used high quality materials therefore will be comforting to experiment with a different range of media in order to produce contextually appropriate outputs. 

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