Friday, 6 May 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Concept Exploration: Distribution

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2/ Product, Range and Distribution  

Concept Exploration: Distribution

During the briefing it was highlighted that distribution was a key consideration of the project and that many of the responses from the previous second year students neglected this deliverable producing a good body of graphic design however was often in-appropoarte for the audience/cause discussed. To ensure my resolutions to my project were informed and appropriate to the cause and target audience I wanted to base my concept around an established example of the issues discussed. The concept for my project focuses around the issue of localised farming and produce as opposed to the imported and mass produce food found in national supermarkets, to reflect this I felt it would be more appropriate to create a high impact cmaapgin that focuses on a particular region/community as opposed to a national campaign as this would work better in engaging an audience with their local produce from their area. 

Working back to my inspiration behind my choice of concept at home I often visit the Hawarden Estate Farm shop with my parents, This site based within our local community offers season fresh produce grown in-house at the farm or from local suppliers. The farm shop is within the community renowned for its great tasting dishes from the cafe and availability of local/organic fruit vegetable and butchery. I felt the Hawarden Estate Farm shop are a pinnacle of this ethos to move away from mass produce and encourage the locality available within a community. Furthermore choosing Hawarden as the focus of my research project will ensure it remains engaging to me as it has sentimental value and I have personal knowledge of the attitudes and lifestyles of the target audience interacting with them personally so can ensure the design treatments and resolutions are appropriate towards this particular audience. 

I contacted the owner of the shop to ask for permission to base the farm shop at the centre of my research project/campaign which will act as a client for the project, this will ensure relevant means of distribution and focuses my project and resolutions to ensure they are clear and consider promoting locally sourced produce within a community environment entered around this local business. Charles (the owner) replied promptly informing me that he would be happy to help with this as a university brief, this is exciting as the resolutions could potentially be developed into a real life context if Charles wanted to take any of the design treatments forward and implement them within the store adding real life distribution values into my project. 

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