Thursday 22 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 3 - Research: Target Audience

OUGD504: Brief 3: Type In Context

Research: Target Audience 

As this brief targets a specialist publication it fits a niche and has a specific target audience. From research thus far I can state the target audience for this type of publication would be men and women predominantly working within the creative industry. As this is generally classed as a middle class profession it would be fair to say the target audience would have a reasonably high disposable income to spend on luxury items such as specialist publications. 

The target audience will predominantly be involved with the creative sector and would target a fairly large age range from around 18-40 as these will be the key demographic that will have the highest disposable income to spend on niche books. The target audience will be interested in a well designed publication and will often have existing knowledge of grid systems, photography and art direction dependant on their individual occupations and have knowledge of current design trends, this determines that my publication will have to use a creative concept and have an engaging aesthetic to appeal to the tastes of this specific target audience. 

Having visited specialist bookshops such as Village and Colours May Vary frequently during my first year in Leeds, I can support these generalisations regarding target audience as the people I have seen to and spoken to during exhibitions and in store experiences seem to conform to this target audience of creatives. I can now design specifically for this target audience to ensure my resolution is successful. 

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