Monday 5 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Final Critique

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Final Critique

I put a lot of thought into the development since the interim critique I was looking forward to gaining further feedback from a range of students and lecturers in my final critique I presented my mock ups and explained the limited facilities meant I could only present a sample of what the final resolution would look like if printed professionally. I also presented my concept and talked through my content being appropriate to my resolution. 

Some of the key feedback picked up during this critique were that students felt I only needed to foil the cover as this would still give a bold engaging aesthetic yet save on cost as it would be expensive to foil the whole leaflet. When I questioned this they felt they felt the inside would not look bare without colour and felt the aesthetic would work well in a monochrome palette as shown on my scale mock up. 

They liked the cyclic process of the folding technique and loved how this was reinforced through the visual elements within my leaflet. Students felt my design was heavily informed by my research making the content even more engaging and the concept far stronger. I was happy with this feedback as I really tried to create an informed design that enhanced the content sourced from the design council. Finally they felt the content itself was very informative and had a good tone of voice that ws instructive and straight to the point. They liked how the content was so generic making it appropriate to a range of creative disciplines and was informed by research from a credible source making it more factually accurate and worth while information. I was pleased about this as I was initially worried about not creating y own content however this reinforces how my content is effective and appropriate as it has real life application being versatile and substantiated by evidence. 

Following the critique I had a development that would allow me to create a singular resolution as my target audience felt it would be appropriate to only foil the cover this would make it feasible to screen print the foil onto the design which would allow me to print the resolution to scale and physically apply the foil which removes toner complications that arose in my development. I chose to screenrpint the title and diamonds on the back cover to create an engaging cover and bold first impression and a solid statement on the reverse. I then planned to reprint my leaflet and screen print these finishing details to create my final resolution.

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