Saturday 3 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Concept Development: Leaflet Fold/Layout Development

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Concept Development: Leaflet Fold 

Following the development and final selection of my content I felt I could progress with the development of my design, the next stage I felt that needed to be confirmed in order to process was choosing a leaflet fold for my resolution so I could design the aesthetic based around this and the content. I Revisited my initial ideas and made the decision to produce an accordion folded leaflet as my final resolution. I chose this fold because of its simple process that created engaging resolutions that I analysed as part of my research. I also get this fold had the potential to create an engaging aesthetic due to its construction which will make an the user want to pick up up and engage with it, Key benefits of the accordion fold include;

  • Cost effective, no binding or stapling costs 
  • Versatile and not limited to a number of pages 
  • ideal for documenting a process or chronology
  • design can stretch across the whole leaflet. 

I then stated to create some rough mock ups of how I could set the content across this leaflet, I started by using the four defined sections and took inspiration from an example I analysed within my research (below 1) to add bold imagery to make the resolution more engaging. I then took further inspiration from the innovate cut out used in the UAL leaflet I also analysed as part of my research (below 2) subsequently creating a cut out diamond to visually represent the double diamond design process I felt this would make my leaflet more engaging and interactive with an audience. I was really happy with with this first mock up and felt it created the start of a successful resolution, I liked how the content has informed the design making the whole concept stronger and more direct. 


Layout Development 

I then started to develop this further by asking for feedback fro the target audience, this lead me to uncover a problem that I would need to address regarding the form and function of the leaflet. I initially wanted to place the images on one side of the leaflet and the text on the back however due to the folding process this would mean the text for one stage is on the reverse of another stages picture. I felt this would complicate the content and confuse the target audience.

Having identified this problem I had problem solving feedback from a tutor in which we brainstormed ways to make the leaflet more functional while still ensuring a successful aesthetic. I ultimately chose to make the stages circle the whole leaflet which was I feel more effective overall. This cyclic design allowed each stage to have a 'double page spread' when interacted with like a standard publication and also created a subtle visual metaphoric representation of how the design process is a cycle and can continue looping round. I created a digital mock up of how this concept would work and feel it will be successful in creating a functional engaging publication that will be successful in visually communicating the design process. 

Confident with this folding design I feel confident in progressing to designing the content and imagery in the publication I have overcome the initial problem and developed this concept into a fictional and creative solution. 

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