Wednesday 7 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Research: Branding Analysis

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter

Research: Branding Analysis

Looking at the current branding for the project I felt it was average but could be significantly improved, my main issue was with the colour scheme I felt the neon green didn't represent a natural organic product to me it gives connotations of chemicals and reminds me of mountain dew which doesn't give the clearest com munition to an audience. I also feel the typeface is too thin and doesn't give the logo presence, I think this would easily be lost within a busy page or leaflet, this combination of bright colour and thin typeface also makes it particularly difficult to read on screen. I like the use of the mandala design however feel it is too simple with the use of pink distracting from the two colour palette. 
I prefer to bottle design to the logo as I feel it is more successful however still believe it could be improved, even from this image the text is patricianly difficult to read. I understand the design designs behind the aesthetic as it gives connotations of india where the herb originates from however I feel this looses out on the USP for the product, It is grown locally and organically in portland for that community and an indian aesthetic does not represent this, I will aim to make this clearer within my development that the brand is a product of portland. I think the white works well against the dark bottle however would refine this and experiment with new colour palette. 

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