Wednesday 7 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Brief

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter


Kickstarter is a web service for 'crowd funding' projects, products and businesses. Members of the public can pledge money towards projects ranging from music to technology to food. Your assignment for this week is to produce a logo design for a Kickstarter project of your choice. You will also consider and plan various branding strategies for your chosen project showing how your logo will enforce this brand.

Your logo will incorporate your knowledge of the project and it's creators having fully researched its origin. You will also consider carefully the market and or social context to which it belongs (e.g. music genre, locale, etc.).

Once you have developed and designed an effective logo you will demonstrate how this will appear on at least 2 deliverable elements (e.g. Poster, packaging, CD, advert, website, etc.).

Analysis of the brief: 

Due to the short timescale of this brief I will have to be very organised and proactive in order to complete the deliverables on time. I am excited about choosing a project in its early stages of production as I feel I will have more creative freedom than an established brand. I feel choosing a project from kickstarter as there is an extensive library or projects featuring all types of styles giving a great potential to find a really engaging creative project to brand. 

The live nature of the brief adds a further engaging later to the brief, it is suggested but not mandatory to contact the owners of the project I have chosen to brand and if they feel my branding is successful they could use it for their project further contextualising the brief to a real life context for me and would put my work out into the world which would be great for my personal and professional practise. 

Research plan: 

Due to the short timescale of the brief there are certain elements of a branding project that I will not be able to fulfill such as contacting the clients and constantly refer back to the for changes this is not feasible in a week but I plan to research the project which will allow me to infer a brand of brand guidelines that I feel the logo should conform too. I initially plan to choose a kickstarted project that I think has a creative and original concept that I feel I could creatively brand to create a strong identity for the product and create a successful outcome. Following this I will then research this project to gain a better insight to the nature of the project, I will collate a range of primary and secondary data from similar branding project showing I have considered existing examples of similar branding before researching logo's and branding in a more general context to understand the generic conventions of a strong successful logo. Having collated a range of information from a range of sources I plan to create a range of initial ideas of which I can gain feedback from students and lecturers before developing this into a final concept that I can then present to the client. 

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