Monday 5 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Evaluation

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process


Having completed and produced my final resolution I was relatively happy with the my outcome. I ultimately feel sourcing the content from the study by the design council was the most appropriate form on information as it is versatile, informative and significantly increases the potential  audience for my publication as this model applies to not only my personal design process but can be generalised to any creative discipline. It is also based on in-house research by the design council (an authoritative body within the design community) making the information more legitimate and of a higher quality, it also removes any subjectivity that may occur from generating my own content, My target audience also liked the tone of voice of my content as they felt it was direct and informative. 

I was happy with the feedback given to me by my target audience as they felt the design was informed by my research which strengthened the overall concept and reinforced the content over a number of  platforms. I feel the visual elements of my leaflet are simple strong and effective they do not take away from the content but subtly reinforce the model described through the content demonstrating a strong visual representation of the information. My target audience gave me feedback string the visual elements worked well to balance the design and anchor the content. My type choices are subtle and informed using a bold sans serif with a warm rounded touch for the titles and complementing this with a serif typeface to remove a clinical aesthetic using a typeface with specific relevance to editorial design. 

I find the the leaflet fold chosen for my final resolution to be extremely effective, the accordion fold works complementing the content and creating a engaging physical resolution that the target audience will want to physically interact with. I developed the relationship between my fold and the content to create a visual metaphor of how the design process is a cyclic process does not necessarily have a distinct end. I paired this with an engaging visual to reinforce this over a physical and visual platform that works well showing my ability to design for the content not purely for an aesthetic. Designing to reinforcing of the content is further continued through the innovative cut out that would be die cut if produced professionally, the cut out further attracts an audience to interact with my design creating a better chance of an audience picking up the leaflet and interacting with it which is so important with leaflets as a medium of communication. 

The use of foiling aids the overall aesthetic of the leaflet making it more appealing to the target audience of creatives. I developed this process trailing a range of methods, although non of these were 100% accurate I was not able to achieve a perfect finish with the facilities offered at university, My foiling simulates that of a professionally printed leaflet of which I researched and would be feasible to use this finishing process if produces professionally. The foiling adds a tactile layer to the leaflet creating a bold statement that will attract an audience to physically interact with this, combined with the innovative cut out to create a bold statement that will ensure the cover is engaging and rememberable. This is then paired with the subtle double dimmed filed on the back cover to create a fitting end to the leaflet and make it equally engaging from the front and back. 

Overall I am happy with my final resolution and feel it is successful in visually communicating the design process to a specific target audience. My design is informed by my content and uses successful visual language to create an engaging leaflet that will appeal to its target audience. I could not physically produce a perfect finish to my resolution with the facilities offered within the university however my resolution simulates how a professionally printed leaflet would be produced, I further researched foil printing and determined this process would be feasible if produced professionally, which I feel provides a successful resolution to the brief. 

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