Monday 19 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Professional Feedback

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter

Professional Feedback

I Sent my final designs to the owners of The Portland Ashwagandha Farm at first I did not receive any response however a week or so later I received an email from Blake Boxer the visual designer that works with the project. He was forwarded my designs by the owners of the Portland Ashwagandha Farm and wanted to give me some feedback. He liked the logo as a whole it he said it had great symmetry and came from informed research. I appreciated ben reaching out to me and taking the time to review my work. This shows the design was successful in communicating a relevant and appropriate design treatment to the brand. I was initially disappointed the owners Jeff and Tim did not reply as I really wanted to know what they felt about the direction I took with re-branding their project however this professional critique is positive provides a good encouragement that my resolution is of a professional standard. 

Hi Rhys,

My name is Blake Boxer, I'm the Visual Designer working with Rising Stone Farms. Jeff forwarded me your designs and I wanted to reach out and say that you did an awesome job!

I'd say the strongest of the images you've shared is the logo itself. It has great symmetry and looks good on both the small and large scale. It shows you did your research! 

Good luck with the finalization of your project and looking forward to seeing the final images.

Warmest Regards,


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