Monday 5 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Further Development

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Further Development

Following the information collated from my interim critique I had a range of further developments to undertake to improve my concept and design to ensure creates a suitable resolution and appeals to the target audience. The first stage I developed was the visual aesthetic, I started by experimenting with the layout, I wanted to keep the majority of this the same as students talked about this positively however felt it could be developed to look slightly less repetitive. 

I removed the text from the image pages as it didn't make sense to repeat the name of the stage, removing this text also tied the two pages together to ensure they work as a double page spread instead of looking like two separate documents. I placed the visual diamond representing the stages at the top of the content page effectively balancing the text and content and created a singular diamond, this simplicity I felt was refreshing as the other usual components were built up (with lines or diamonds building a shape) this simplicity was effective and created a nice dynamic within the page. Based on feedback from my critique I also changed the typography colour from slate to black as there was a demand for it to be changed as a range of students felt this would make the content easier to read. 


Having developed my leaflet based on the feedback given to my during the feedback session I started preparing for print. I formatted my document paginating the pages correctly so they would print in thee functional order I created as part of my problem solving development. I encountered further problems when it came to printing the final mock up of my leaflet, due to its size it required A2 printing of which the university print room only offered 1 stock choice of A2 double sided stock, I ideally wanted to experiment with different colours and weights however this was the only viable option however I would conduct this experimentation if I was developing this in a professional printers. The next problem that I encountered was that when I tried to foil this mock up the foil would not bind to the ink as it was printed using an inkjet printer and the foiling process in the university is only compatible with laser jet printing. Unfortunately laser jet printing can only be printed up to A3 meaning I  would not be able to create a scale mock up. 

This was very frustrating as it meant I couldn't bring my design direction to life. After seeking advice from the tutors I decided the most appropriate way to continue would be to create a scale mock up to demonstrate the size and a smaller mock up printed on the laser jet printer to demonstrate the required finishing technique, although this is not ideal it was the only solution available the the facilities however this would be fully accessible if printed professionally so does not affect the viability of my concept. 

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