Wednesday 7 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Research: Logo Research

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter

Research: Logo Research

Having researched the product, existing products and the target audience I deemed it appropriate to conduct some generalised research on logo's I planned to do this in three stages firstly researching what makes an effective logo and how I can ensure my resolution is successful, Secondly looking at logo examples that appeal to me and thirdly to research a range of existing logos reverent to my products market, so health foods and supplements. 

Firstly I researched what makes a successful logo, I found a useful article on Creative Blog that states; An effective logo is distinctive, appropriate, practical, graphic, simple in form and conveys an intended message. In its simplest form, a logo is there to identify but to do this effectively it must follow the basic principles of logo design:

  • A logo must be simple. A simple logo allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile and memorable. Effective logos feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn.
  • A logo must be memorable. Following closely behind the principle of simplicity is that of memorability. An effective logo should be memorable and this is achieved by having a simple yet appropriate logo.
  • A logo must be enduring. An effective logo should endure the test of time. The logo should be 'future proof', meaning that it should still be effective in 10, 20, 50+ years time.
  • A logo must be versatile. An effective logo should be able to work across a variety of mediums and applications.

  • A logo must be appropriate. How you position the logo should be appropriate for its intended purpose. 

  • Full article: HERE

    Logos I like:

    Examples of logos that I find engaging are a good source of inspiration for me although it is important to design with the client and target audience in mind I also like to take inspiration from examples I engage with as I feel this will create a good blend of functionality and creativity. I love the  detailed typography selection for the quiet folk branding this attention to detail makes this logo stand out, I like the minimal nature of the black and white colour palette and logotype to create a simple and bold statement that will appeal its audience and be extremely versatile over a range of mediums. 

    The next logo I analysed was the Taller Del Mar logo I like the use of the combination mark to bring the text and image together. I think the use of simple illustration is effective and complements the type well.  Again the typography is detailed and effective using a bold weight for a higher readability. The most string feature about this branding is the strong patterns that company it, I think they are bold and refreshing yet would stand out to an audience and be extremely rememberable. 

    The final logo I chose to analyse is a urban asian restaurant, I feel it represents the brand extremely well and will appeal to its target audience. Although I personally don't love the typography I feel the simple illustration and bold circle work together well to create a succinct strong visual representation for the brand. The bold orange is urban and stands out creatively from the solid primary colours. There are a lot of plants that accompany this logo on promotional materials which I feel work well complementing the logo and creating a strong engaging aesthetic. 

    Logos related to the product: 

    I like the creativity applied to RAW HEALTH logo, the use of a very geometric aesthetic works well with the negative space lines formed through the shapes to distinguish the letters. I think this logo is bold and will stand out amongst the clinical health food labels. I don't feel the colour palette is effective as the tones look fairly dull especially for a logo that has the slogan 'vibrant living' I was expecting a much bolder colour palette to complement the striking nature of the logo. 

    I understand the design direction taken my bona organic with the use of their logo, it reminds me of a unilever style logo composed of all the organic products arranged in a circle however personally don't feel this is as effective. The colour palette is again fairly dull similarly to the RAW HEALTH logo and doesn't complement the black typography. I feel this logo wouldn't be very versatile as it could not be effectively replicated on a smaller scale as it would loose the definition of the individual images. 

    Finally the Lucy Bee logo is not to my personal taste at all, The illustrations and irregular strokes are clip art-esque, The swirly typeface isn't effective and creates less brand authority than a regular typeface and the whole aesthetic is very feminine. I feel this this logo could be greatly improved however sets an informal colloquial tone that would presumably appeal to the target audience. 

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