Monday 12 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Critique

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter


I presented a range of my developments to a group of designers and lecturers for feedback on the designs the face and was seeking feedback as to which design they felt I should develop into a final resolution to the brief. I started by explaining my project showing the group the existing logo which they all agreed could be improved before talking through the concept behind each design. 

I received a range of feedback including praise, developments and constructive criticisms all of which I will use to develop my final logo concept. My lecturer stated the lotus seemed irrelevant and highlighted cultural stereotypes of india that were generic and should be avoided. He inferred that design 1 would be more appropriate creating a connection with the existing branding and the mandala becoming an almost hipster icon that would work well with the target audience of Portland. further comments regarding the circular designs were that they are more representative of farming and healthcare as they are softer on the eye than the square design and one student inferred that the circle is an organic shape that  represents the cycle from growing to selling. A point of development stated was that the text should be rotated so the 'ashwagandha' is on top making to easier to read thus making the text read 'ashwagandha farm portland' I will trial this in development to see how this effects the overall aesthetic and balance of the design. 

Comments regarding the square designs included that the two tone green logo was the most effective however most of the group felt the square was too urban and alienated the product from the branding. The square gave certain members of the group industrial connotations and felt the creative placement of the text was too hard to read considering the difficulty of the word. Based on this feedback I agree with elements of the constructive criticisms however personally do not feel the square logo is too industrial. From this feedback I have ultimately decided to develop the first design into my final concept as it was well received by the group who felt it had potential to be developed into a successful resolution that created a bold visual identity for the brand. 

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