Monday 19 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 3 - Brief

OUGD504: Brief 3: Type In Context


Based on your primary research exploring type in a specific geographic context, you will produce a publication entitled "Type in context: <name of place>". Through the summer task you will have collected numerous images and written copy about uses of typography in your local area. This content will then be used in your publication.

Your publication will feature images and text related to typography and will be printed and bound to high standard. Your publication will be positioned as an "art & photography" book therefore considerations should be made to target audience when designing your publication. The size, format and number of pages are entirely your choice.

Editorial design and binding is something that you already have some experience of therefore this assignment will give you the opportunity to build on what you have already learned about this area.

Analysis of the Brief: 

I was initially excited about the brief as I have created a good range of content in the summer brief which will lead to an engaging project and ultimately create a high quality resolution to the brief. This being the first extended brief of the year I am looking forward in being able to immersify myself within the brief as the 1 week briefs felt rushed and didn't give me time to experiment thoroughly. The idea of creating a specialist publication I feel will be a good opportunity to apply my designs to a particular target audience through both primary and secondary research, It will also broaden my practice working more heavily with photography than I have in previous briefs. From the brief I understand my resolution will have to be refined and informed by research and experimentation to produce an appropriate  response to the brief that has a strong aesthetic and will appeal to the niece target audience. 

Research Plan: 

First I plan to review the content collated from my summer brief to familiarise myself with the context. I then plan to engage with research both primary and secondary using a range of sourcing including books from the library visiting Village bookstore (a specialist art/photography bookstore) before conducting more specialist research on technical factors such as page layout, cannons, grid systems. From this I will then identify the target audience and research the culture and aesthetic needs of this group before starting with my initial ideas. I feel this research will give me a good basis to start creating informed design that can be developed into a successful resolution to the brief. 

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