Monday 19 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Evaluation

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter


I feel I have fully engaged with this brief, I liked how we got to choose a project from kickstarted ourselves as this made the brief more engaging and exciting.  I have created a successful resolution to the brief with a new dynamic band identity for the portland ashwagandha farm. The contemporary logo is derived from extended research into the target audience and the culture of portland as a city. The spherical design is contemporary and uses the typeface to create a bold legible statement to delver to the brand name with a confidence to the audience. I have designed the mandala design connoting nature with subtle reference to its indian origins that will appeal to the target audience with its synonymous nature with a cool hipster culture. This is also effective in carrying forward and previous brand identity established under the old logo. Overall I feel the whole logo works well, It is balanced with even weights and creates a strong visual focal point naturally drawing the eye into the centre of the design. I feel it is successful in communicating the brands natural and organic beliefs without looking poorly designed like the range of well being products I analysed as part of my research. 

The brief required me to put my logo in context, I thought long and hard about effective mediums relating to the context and decided to produce a label and a thank you print to demonstrate the versatility of my logo. I was impressed with the final quality of my label, I feel it was informed from my research creating a bold contemporary aesthetic that would stand  think the bold spot colour combined with the dynamic line create a contemporary packaging design that will appeal to the target audience and stand out against the range of existing products analysed in my research. The logo is prominent and draws the eye into the product making it more engaging and aesthetically pleasing placed central to the bottle. I feel this is a good contextualisation of my logo in a very appropriate medium that simulates a real life product.

I further contextualised my logo my creating a thank you print I felt this was a very suitable context as it would appeal to the target audience creating a stronger relationship with the consumer. I think this thank you print successfully puts my logo into context. It demonstrated my critical awareness to the consumer and product ethos. I think this will appeal to the target audience due to the aesthetic that is appropriate to the culture of the consumer and will further enhance the products reputation. I created a basic set of brand guidelines to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of professional engagement ensuring the suite of products created are unified with a set colour palette typefaces and size requirements to create a professional aesthetic that will add legitimacy to the brand.

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