Monday 5 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Screen Print

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Screen Print 

Following the development of my final critique I chose to screen print the foil onto my final resolution, I felt this would be the most appropriate way to present my outcome as this would allow me to produce a scale version with the finishing foiling techniques that could be produced if printed professionally. I had a quick turn around for this process which meant I had to be pro-active, stripping, coating and exposing the screen on friday afternoon straight after my critique. I then screen printed the final outcome on the monday morning to finalise my resolution. 

This process involved screening printing an adhesive directly only the stock waiting for this to dry then placing it in a heat press to transfer to the foil to the stock. I found this was more accurate that foiling with toner however still left an imperfect finish however this would be impossible with the facilities provided and could only be achieved professionally. I was happy with there result of my screen printed foiling as it produced a highly effective representation of what a commercially printed outcome would look like. The foil added a bold shine that is tactile and engaging for an audience and was enhanced by the cut out on the front page which would be die cut if produced professionally. 

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