Friday 16 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Brand Guidelines/Strategy

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter

Brand Guidelines/Strategy

In order for a brand to present a unified consistent approach over all of its products, promotional and branding materials brand guidelines are essential in communicating this unified voice of the company to the designers, this will ensure a consistent message is delivered to the consumer, it will build a brand reputation and will aid the legitimacy and professionalism of the company. Brand guidelines are also essential when working in a team to ensure every designer is fully aware of the design decisions and can produce works in keeping with the visual aesthetic of the brand. 

I have drawn out some simple brand guidelines as the time scale of the brief prevented me from developing these further in more detail, These highlight the basic components that will create a strong brand image that can be delivered consistently across a range of media. These brand guidelines also help shape the brand strategy of Portland Ashwagandha Farm which will ensure it remains consistent and unified over time helping to establish a strong brand identity and reputation that will be imperative to the long term success of the company. 

In my brand guidelines I have stipulated key aspects of the brands visual identity that must be adhered to in order to create a strong unified identity for the brand, these include display and body copy typefaces, primary and secondary colour schemes and the final logo versions including the full combination mark and supporting iconic logo. I have further developed this stating the minimum spacing that must appear around the logo to ensure other elements of the design don't affect the logo as it should be desiring as a single visual component. 

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