Sunday 4 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Commercial Consideration: Commercial Foiling

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Further Research Commercial Foiling

Having selected foiling as an appropriate method relevant to my target audience I felt it was important to understand the commercial process that would be used as the university facilities just simulate this at best. I have had previous experience with commercial foiling as during a trip to pressision printers they explained how they foil in house so I have a basic understanding of the process. I then found an interesting article explaining the differences between the two main types of foil printing Hot foil printing and Cold Foil printing HERE

Hot Foil Printing

A die, or stamp, of the design to be foiled is mounted on the stamping machine above the paper and is then heated. The sheet of foil runs between them so that when pressure is applied from the die onto the paper, the foil is fixed to its surface. Because pressure is a main ingredient to hot foiling, the foil has dimension and a distinct feel.

Cold Foil Printing

A UV-curable adhesive (ie. a type of glue that is dried by UV light) is printed on the paper in the shape of the design that is to be foiled. Then the foil is pressed onto the paper, and is stripped away where no adhesive was printed. After a quick run under the UV light, the product is finished. 

I now felt I had a much better understanding of commercial foiling and feel it would still be achievable to foil my resolution if it was being produced professionally, I would assume cold foil printing would be the most appropriate technique to us as it can be produced on a lower budget, I also researched how available this finishing process is and found it can be easily accessible, finding several companies that specialise in foiling in and around leeds.

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