Wednesday 7 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Logo Requirements

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter

Logo Requirements

Typically for a logo brief the designer would communicate heavily with the client in order to substantiate a list of requirements of what the client is looking for and the type of visual aesthetic they want their product to have. Due to the short timescale of the brief it would be unfeasible to get an extended list of the clients logo requirements. I have messaged the client but cannot wait for an extended period for a reply, having conducted a range of extended research into the product, its competitors, the target audience and a range of logo research I feel confident in my ability to infer a range of logo requirements that will result in a successful outcome. 

My initial logo requirements are; 

  • The visual identity must represent the ethos of the product, demonstrated through a local and natural aesthetic if appropriate
  • Must be simple and versatile in order for it to be rememberable yet applicable to a range of mediums such as websites, promotional materials and packaging
  • A suitable colour palette should be used to reinforce the the organic nature of the product
  • All the components of the logo should tie together nicely to create a bold statement that works well to reinforce the product in an aesthetic manor. 

From these logo requirements and my extended research I feel confident in creating a range of initial ideas that I can gain feedback from and develop into sophisticated concepts and ultimately a successful resolution to the brief. 

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