Wednesday 7 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Research: Kickstarter

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter

Research: Kickstarter 

I have had previous experience with kickstarter I knew the format and the types of project featured on the site. I planned to quickly decide on my project to maximise my time due to the short time scale of the brief however found this to be more difficult than anticipated as I wanted to find a creative project that I felt would be successful and that I could use to create a successful resolution to the brief.

I started by researching the range of categories found on kickstarter,  quickly determined that publications and comics would be an unsuitable choice as most of these already had logos and would be difficult to reinterpret, I found the best categories to research were food and craft as these had more opportunity to create and experiment. I initially found a campaign I found really interesting that creating chocolate pots from ground healthy ingredients then further donated money to children in Gambia however I found this to already have quite a nice aesthetic for the pots even though the branding was not particularly strong I felt it would be difficult to revolutionise this project. 

This then lead me to research further which resulted in me finding a really interesting campaign, Portland Ashwagandha Farm is an Organic health project founded by Michael Hanna and Jeff Johnson. Ashwagandha is a powerful herb that has been used in Asia for thousands of years. Medical researchers have completed more than 200 studies on the healing benefits of Ashwagandha. Some key examples of the healing effects of the herb  are:
  • Protects the immune system
  • Helps combat the effects of stress
  • Improves learning, memory, and reaction time
  • Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness
  • Helps reduce brain-cell degeneration
This project asked for $5000 dollars in order to extract this herb from the ground and create a natural tincture to sell within the local community. The unique selling point for this product is that it is grown organically within portland for that community reducing the miles and ensuring the product is fresh as a opposed to a powdered form. The project was 80% funded when I first viewed it showing there is a high possibility for this to go into production I felt this was a good opportunity to penitentially develop my resolution for use within the real world. 

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