Wednesday 7 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Research: Existing Products

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter

Research: Existing Products

Having researched the product and gathered information about the target audience I wanted to research what products were already on the market and see if these had any generic conventions, I could then either conform to certain conventions or break them on order to stand out. The first product I looked at would give me no clue to what the product is if it were not in a medicine bottle. I feel the orange isn't a considered colour choice however this contrasts nicely with the blue. I do not feel the logo for this product is patricianly strong, it wouldn't excite or engage an audience however gives slight natural connotations with the sun and green grass iconography. 

This product I feel is more successful in creating a bolder statement, the green bottle and banner give natural connotations and the gold block fill adds an element of luxury possibly making this a preferred choice over other products. I feel the typeface is quite harsh however clearly legible. The logo for this product is slightly better as it is simple and versatile that could easily be applied over a range of medium the only thing I don't like about his logo is the script type either side of the circle, I feel this is unnecessary and throws the logo off balance. 

The final example from my online search is the closet to the actual product I am creating a logo for as it is a root tincture. I feel the yellow isn't the most appropriate colour choice as it creates a dated aesthetic. The bold typeface sits well at the top with the logo taking up a large proportion of this label. I personally feel the logo is too detailed and overcomplicated it uses 5 colours and would not work any smaller than the size shown below which isn't ideals as I have already stated it takes up a large percentage of the available space. I feel this could be vastly implied to create a much simpler logo that still connotes nature and would appeal to the target audience. 

Primary Research: 

Although not Ashwagandha I take a range of supplements including chlorella and spirulina for general health and well being the company I purchase these from is a successful online venture called organic burst. I feel the branding for this company is extremely vibrant and dynamic which appeal to me as it isn't boringly medical or over the top connoting nature. The logo itself is bold and distinctive with a range of type weights that complement each other well. I like the gradient two tone green colour scheme as it brings the logo to life as opposed to a solid block fill. The packaging for the products has a great aesthetic each one different and unique. They use a range of nature iconography juxtaposed with bold creative shapes and gradients to create an eye-catching design that works well to promote the product. These products are very well designed as opposed to the examples shown above, I  will attempt to emulate the creative success of these products when creating my logo for the Portland Ashwagandha Farm. 

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