Thursday 1 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Initial Ideas

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Initial Ideas

Having undertaken broad primary and secondary research I felt confident in creating a range of initial ideas that I could then review and develop into more sophisticated concepts. My first design concept was based on the double diamond design process highlighted in my research, I created a simple gate fold cut into a creative diamond shape to represent the model described by the design council. I liked the shape of this design as I felt it would attract an audience however was aware and concerned that it would create a lot of off-cut resulting in an un-environmentally friendly design. I liked how this concept is a good visual representation of the concept making the information more visual for an audience however there is potential to have wasted space in the corners if I do not typeset my content effectively. Overall I like the shape of this design however feel there is a number of problems I would have to address if I developed it further. 

My second concept evolved from the folding workshop, I liked the fluid opening mechanism of my custom gate fold as it has great potential for a combination of text and image. I felt the inside action would be perfect to visually represent a process as it is long and thin so would show a linear progression from A to B. I think I could be creative with this concept creating a range of aesthetic treatments to make the outcome more engaging, my only concern being if there would be enough content to fill the leaflet as it has a high number of surfaces to fill. 

I then looked at a different folding style, I found that the accordion fold was popular within my secondary leaflet research and works well at a commercial level due to its simplicity and ability to communicate information. I felt this process would work well for this brief as when opened there is a nice flowing mechanism across the sections to document the design process. Although the fold is relatively simple I feel it could be effective with necessary development and aesthetic detailing. I could experiment with layout and typesetting as there are opportunities to be really creative with this fold due to its simplistic potential.  

Having created a range of initial ideas I found most of my concepts were dependant on the content, therefore to progress I feel I need to develop and clearly define my content and then I can design appropriately to ensure the more create and suitable outcome. I will confirm my content then re-visit these until ideas looking for the concept that has the most potential to be developed into a successful final resolution. 

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