Monday 12 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Further Development: 2

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter

Further Development: 2

During feedback of my initial developments a group of students felt this concept had a good aesthetic and should be developed further. I started this process by firstly experimenting with colour,  I chose a bold green juxtaposed with white text and features however this gave connotations of tennis or similar sport instead of the intended natural connotations and felt this was unsuccessful in communicating the brand. I trailed a range of typeface but within my development thus far found GT pressura to be the most effective and aesthetic.  The condensed sans serif alludes to a scientific background (representative of the extraction process of the product) but with its rounded corners shows a soft and friendly side in larger sizes making it more appealing to an audience an reducing the harsh clinical aesthetic some sans-serif typefaces can connote. 

When I asked a group of students what icon I should include on my logo they suggested a range of iconography one of which was a lotus as this is a fairly common symbol of nature and well-being as well as carrying indian connotations. I trailed this creating a simple lotus shape. I feel this works well as it complements and works well in a monochrome palette however I am unsure if it has specific relevance to my product which is something I will ask when obtaining further feedback. 

An alternative icon that I trailed was a simple mandala design. This creates a reinforces  the current logo that will allow any brand reputation that has been gained thus far to be upheld. This is a much more engaging and well designed logo in contrast to the original logo, drawing a single focus point into the centre of the logo. This also hints at the plants indian origins through the mandala design. This floral pattern has become a symbol of popular culture so will appeal the the trendy target audience of Portland. 

This development focused more heavily on the regional identity of portland, reinforcing the USP of the product that it is grown locally for the community. I experimented with incorporating the Portland flag within the design as I liked the bold design. I initially wanted a maximum two colour palette but felt this went over complicated. My initial design used the flag in the centre however there felt too much of a contrast between the text and image. Thus I experimented with more colour changing the text from black to incorporate the blue and green from the flag however ultimately decided this didn't stand out as much as crisp black typography. 

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