Tuesday 13 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 2 - Packaging: Label - Development 1

OUGD504: Brief 2: Logo Starter

Packaging: Label - Development 1 

To satisfy the deliverables of the brief, It required me to but my logo in context, I felt the most appropriate way to do that was to apply it to the packaging for the bottles. From my research I found most of the label designs for ashwagandha bottles were boring and not well designed often including unaesthetic gradients or small icons of plants. I wanted to create a more dynamic label that would boldly stand out against these examples and appeal to the urban culture of the target audience. 

I started by re-visiting the Portland city flag, I liked the convex diamond created in the centre of flat and felt I could make this a conceptual  feature of my label. I started by creating this shape placing it only a label design with a strong diagonal design creating an engaging contrast which I felt would allow the product to stand out on the shelf. I colour picked the colours from the flag however felt these weren't effective in communicating the products use and that the colours didn't work together effectively. 

I started to develop this colour picking from an image of the Ashwagandha plant, I felt this was slightly more representative of the product however still felt the colours didn't work effectively together and looked almost too generic of herbal medicine. I feel I needed to ask my tutors on how I could come up with an engaging colour palette as I felt the examples trailed so far weren't successful and was at a loss where to progress from this stage in the design development. 

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