Saturday 3 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Content Development

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Content Development

I found the progress of my initial ideas was hindered by my lack of content I felt the best way to progress with my design process would be to consolidate my content so that I could make informed design decisions based on this information. I reviewed the content I compiled in my research with the aim of amalgamating the information analysed to create strong content for my leaflet however found that when reviewing my research that the Double Diamond Design Process created my in house research from the design council was a great generic model that could be applied to any creative process. 

I found that the Double Diamond mode was the most appropriate content as it was representative of my own design process and would expand the target audience of my leaflet as it is generic enough to be applied to almost any design specialism. As it is based on in-house research from a well established source 'the design council' I felt the information would be of a high quality and removes any subjectivity that would occur if I created my own content as it may be biased towards graphic design.  I feel confident in visually communicating this content with an appropriate aesthetic to create a successful resolution to the brief. 

Final Content: 

The first quarter of the double diamond model marks the start of the project. This begins with an initial idea or inspiration, often sourced from a discovery phase in which user needs are identified. These include:
—  Market research
—  User research
—  Managing information
—  Design research groups

The second quarter of the double diamond model represents the definition stage, in which interpretation and alignment of these needs to business objectives is achieved. Key activities during the Define stage are:
—  Project development
—  Project management
—  Project sign-off.

The third quarter marks a period of development where design-led solutions are developed, iterated and tested within the company. Key activities and objectives during the Develop stage are:
—  Multi-disciplinary working
—  Visual management
—  Development methods

The final quarter of the double diamond model represents the delivery stage, where the resulting product or service is finalised and launched in the relevant market. The key activities and objectives during this stage are:
—  Final testing, approval and launch

—  Targets, evaluation and feedback loops

I felt it was appropriate to explain the content to the audience, I created a short statements explain the benefits of the double diamond model and to give the user concise background information on the content; 

"Every design specialism has a different approach to a brief  and have unique ways of working,but there are some commonalities to the creative process. The design council studied these approaches and have  created a model that can be applied across the disciplines called the Double Diamond Design process." 

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