Sunday 4 October 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 1 - Interim Critique

OUGD504: Brief 1: My Design Process

Interim Critique 

I felt confident going into my interim critique as I had a scale mock up, a smaller foiled sample and the digital mock up to present. I had to write a number of specific questions I wanted feedback on in order to develop my design and make the outcome more successful. This process involved writing questions and then walking around the studio giving feedback on other peoples work. I felt this worked well as the feedback then became anonymous and more detailed as people can often be reserved in face to face critiques. I asked the following question in the hope of airing high quality feedback that will improve my resolution;

'Do you feel the foiling is an appropriate technique ?' 

I included a simple tally chart which received 6 yes votes and 3 no votes 

I then asked 'How does this effect the overall aesthetic?'

comments rom this section included 'It adds character' 'makes it eye-catching and alluring' and 'patterns make it interesting and help break up the text' 

This is encouraging as it shows my target audience respond well to the finishing technique and it positive to hear that they find the foiling eye-catching and effective. 

'Do you feel Dark Blue type is appropriate or would black be more suitable WHY?' 

The vast majority of responses for this question stated they felt black text would be more appropriate with rational including 'it would be easier to read' 'better on the eyes' 'works better with the black and coper foiling :)' 

'Do you feel this size is appropriate (yellow mock up) WHY?'

There was an large response stating my target audience felt this size was appropriate, I agrees with then as the mock up sat well in the hand and was a good size to give to clients, students and other creative professionals easily as a hand out. Comments included; 'yes, very "pocket size" which is approbate for a leaflet' 'yes, not to0 big not too small, big enough for your text' and 'easy to pick up and read' 

'Any other comments/improvements?' 

What colour stock will complement the foiling best? experiment with a few different choices. 

I am happy with the feedback received from this critique, I feel I am on the right track to creative a successful resolution to the brief, I will use this information collated  to refine my design and make it more appropriate to the target audience which will result in a higher quality and more informed final resolution.

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