Thursday 15 January 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Problem and Brief

Studio Brief 4 - Design Processes, Communicate
Problem and Brief

I planned to collate a range of research to help me with the brief. I started identifying problems with coin collecting. To collate this data I asked a sample of people what they felt were the main problems with coin collecting. Some of the most popular responses included; 

- Its unappealing and boring
- It takes coins out of circulation 
- The coins are hard to find and collect  
- There's nothing to do with collected coins

I then looked at these problems individually, looking for potential to resolve one of the problems, I considered trying to make coin collecting more relevant but thought realistically this would be extremely difficult with all of the modern day technology that is more appealing to the younger generations. To address the issue of taking the coins out of circulation I couldn't think of a good stragegy to avoid this as it is essentially contrasts the act of coin collecting, I then considered creating a guide on how to find and collect coins however in the past two studio briefs I have worked with an editorial style of design and felt the outcome would look too similar. I then considered the final problem of theres nothing to do with the coins once they have been collected, I thought I could work with this as I couldn't think of anything that people do with coins once they have been collected. I also thought that this would lead to an interesting brief with the potential to create some unique and innovative outcomes.  Having analysed the problems to do with coin collecting I decided to write my brief around the concept that theres nothing to do with the coins once they have been collected. 


Brief - Produce a new packaging concept for collectors to store and display a series of coins. You should consider a visually consistent theme and the practicality of your final concept. 

Background considerations - Look at existing coin storage concepts, Identifying the strong and weak design features. 
Considers your work load and plan your time accordingly. 

Mandatory requirements - Final concepts must be able to hold/store more that one coin. 
Final concepts must be three dimensional. 

Deliverables - A resolved three dimensional packaging concept
A quantity of visual research 
Documented development of your final concept 
A minimum of 4 design boards covering; 
- Research 
- Development 
- Manufacture

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