Tuesday 6 January 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Publication [2]

Studio Brief 2 - Design Processes, Research

Publication [2]

My final layout features the use of a modernist 50p piece outline as a header, this is then contrasted the the Bodoni 72 typeface. I chose this typeface as money and history both have connotations of heritage and I felt a serif typeface would be most appropriate. I have included the symbols down the left margin to clearly identify which data form is which e.g. fact, statistic etc. I have then included a Key to this at the bottom of the page with a reduced opacity to make this subtle and not to effect the overall balance of the page too much. Finally I have chosen to use a large image that is roughly 1/3 of the page, this large imagery anchors and balances the text well. Overall I am happy with the layout of my publication even though it was produced in a very short amount of time, I feel I could be developed further however the brief was more focused on the collation of the data rather than its presentation although admittedly this is also important

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