Tuesday 6 January 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Interim Critique

Studio Brief 2 - Design Processes, Research

Interim Critique 

I explained my 4 concepts in detail to a range of students of lecturers during an interim critique I then asked them which concepts they preferred and which would make the most interesting collection and subsequent research. They offered me a range of opinions and  suggestions as to how I could improve on my initial concepts. attitudes were generally positive towards my coins and keys concepts with positive comment such as 'unique' and 'interesting' to describe them. However there seemed to be less certainty towards the 'concert tickets' and 'clothing tags' I think they were unsure as to how I would compile a list of statistics and facts towards such personal items and they would be harder to generalise to a larger context. 

Based on these opinions I decided to look more closely at the 'keys' and 'coins' concepts. I asked why people liked these concepts and received the following opinions; 

'Coins' - 'there will be loads of interesting facts because its already a pretty big hobby' 
              'its really personal to you if you're dad already has a collection of them' 
              'look at Matthew Dent if you choose this concepts as I know he designed the 
              interlinking shield coinage series' 

'Keys' - 'I think its a really unique idea that could work well' 
             'I like the mystery of what the keys could open, it might be a bit boring if they're all
             modern house keys though' 
             'cool idea, what would you do your facts on though?' 

I then asked which concept they thought I should take forward and continue the brief on, I found that over half of the people in my critique thought I should use the coins concept generally because it was personal to me, clearly linked to the '100' and would have a wealth of data that I would be able to find relatively easily due to its popularity as a hobby. 

Following this critique I chose to listen to the majority of people in my critique and chose the 'coins' concept to develop into a solution to the brief. From this I will now research coins in more detail including looking through webpages, fan sites and asking my dad about the coin collection he has at home. This will help me make a good start at what I want to focus on before I start to collate my data. 

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