Tuesday 6 January 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Final Critique

Studio Brief 2 - Design Processes, Research

Final Critique

For the final critique I presented my research to 1/3 of the group and a lecturer. I felt my presentation went well, I presented my books for students to look through at their leisure whilst I verbally explained the concept behind my collection and how I collated my research. 

I received some positive feedback from the lecturer saying my presentation was 'concise' and 'bang on the 2 minute limit' We then talked about how I could take this forward into brief 3. Some students offered suggestions such as 'a collectors guide' however I think this may already exist and would not be innovative but I will research this option during studio brief 3. 1 student said 'I've never seen one of these 50p pieces' which I found strange as they have been in circulation for a number of years however this could have highlighted a potential problem in the awareness of these coins is not broadcast to a mainstream audience. 

I feel my critique was successful and largely positive although I feel I will have to think creatively as to how I can use this research to inform studio brief 3. 

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