Wednesday 7 January 2015

Studio Brief 3 - Concept Research

Studio Brief 3 - Design Processes, Page Layout (Indesign)

Concept Research 

The first thought I had in relation to a concept was to look at the style of the London 2012 Olympic Games and see if I could use this to create a holistic page layout that is holistic with the 2012 branding. To do this I researched the design behind the logo and branding to see if any particular style or art movement was used.

I looked at Woff Olins website as this studio won the pitch to create the logo for the games in which it describes the design decisions and ethos behind the logo, some of the most interesting points raised were that it wanted to 'inspire youth' 'engage a global audience' and 'amplifying the message that London 2012 was "Everyone's Games" to do this they used a modern and unique design that represented innovation and the stand alone impact on the London games.

I could expand this style and create a layout that is consistent with the branding of the London games, I could look at finding the actual font used of substituting it for a similar san serif font. This layout would include angled lines, bright bold colour and an abstract youthful nature. I have slight hesitation that this would make my design less unique or innovative as I am following the style developed my Woff Olins studio however it would provide a holistic layout consistent with the topic. I will need to seek feedback from peers and lecturers as to how I could progress if and make this unique if I chose this concept. 

Another concept I am considering stemmed from some of the background research I was reading during my research into the London games and its branding. Again from Wolff Olins website ( ) He talks about the need to 'engage with a global audience of four billion people' and the unity of the games 'The Games are for everyone, regardless of age, culture and language' this made me consider a universal language of symbol, something that everyone could relate to and appreciate 'regardless of age, culture and language'. This then make me think of modernist graphic design and the international swiss style of which their ideology was to create minimal universal design that can appeal to everyone. ( ) 

Using this modernist style I could create a layout that is representative of a global games, void of any national biased and cultural trends. This concept could allow me to create a layout that could be used all over the world and equally appreciated. I feel I could create a layout that fully represents the unity of the games combining nations. I will present this concept to a group of students and lecturers during an interim critique to see if they share my thought process and if they feel this concept could work. 

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