Tuesday 6 January 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Olympic Data Collation

Studio Brief 2 - Design Processes, Research

Olympics Data

The process behind the collation of my data was fairly simple, I looked at each coin to see which sport was highlighted, I then looked on google for Facts, Statistics and Quotes from reliable sources (avoiding sites such as wikipedia) I then asked people who I knew had personal affiliations with the sport to give me their opinions. For the words I kept it generalised to the olympics to avoid a confusion. 

Words;    Olympics, Medal, Country, Glory, Team, Athletics, Tradition, Ceremony, Gold, Rings, Pride, Sport, GB, Athlete, Participate, Host, Global, Honour, Win, London

1. Cycling

Fact -Cycling was one of the nine original sports in the modern Olympic Games
Statistic - Halford’s bike sales increased by 14.7% following London 2012 http://www.cyclingweekly.co.uk/news/latest-news/did-the-olympics-give-cycling-a-boost-31296
Opinion - cycling is a great way to gradually improve your fitness and help the environment at the same time
Quote - “Cycling is my life… it’s what I get up for” - Simon Richardson

2. Shooting

Fact - From just three events in 1896, shooting has grown to a massive 15 events taking placing at London 2012 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/7910669/London-2012-Olympics-shooting-guide.html
Statistic - The United states are the medal leaders for shooting with 107 medals overall, 53 of which were golds. http://www.sports-reference.com/olympics/sports/SHO/
Opinion - shooting is a great social sport, perfect during the weekends 
Quote - This year the nation will witness the world’s finest shots shooting at the London Olympic Games. - David Taylor 

3. Badminton 

Fact - The official game of Badminton was born in a stately home in Gloucestershire, England, home of the Duke of Beaufort. 
Statistic - Badminton is the Fastest Racket Sport with shuttle clocking speed in excess of 200 mph. http://www.badminton-information.com/facts-about-badminton.html
Opinion - I really enjoyed playing badminton for my school, it was a great way to get regular exercise
Quote - I hope the BWF (Badminton World Federation) will seriously do something about the Olympic qualifying format or risk getting badminton dropped from the Games. - Taufik Hedayat http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/t/taufikhida426174.html?src=t_badminton

4. Gymnastics

Fact - The youngest ever Olympian was Greek gymnast Dimitrios Loundras, who competed in the 1896 Athens Olympics when he was 10 years old 
Statistic - 26% of local councils reported an increase in users of gymnastics facilities during the 2012 Olympic games http://www.local.gov.uk/media-releases/-/journal_content/56/10180/3708318/NEWS
Opinion - gymnastics has to be one of the greatest things I've done in my life, thrilling to watch and participate in
Quote - Gymnastics is my whole life, and I dream of going to the Olympics and being a world champ. - Aly Raisman 

5. Goalball 

Fact - Goalball was originally developed as a rehabilitation activity for injured soldiers returning from World War II. http://www.paralympic.org/news/goalball-12-facts-london-2012
Statistic - An underarm throw can reach a top speed of 60 mph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/paralympic-sport/paralympics-gb/9511388/Paralympics-2012-in-numbers.html
Opinion - A great initiative to develop a sport with the main function of rehabilitation
Quote - “Get out and play!” - Reni Jackson 

6. Boccia
Fact - Boccia is designed specifically for athletes with a disability affecting locomotor function
Statistic - Eight out of ten (81%) British adults thought the Paralympics had a positive impact on the way people with an impairment are viewed by the public 
1 in 3 UK adults changed their attitude towards people with an impairment during the Paralympic Games http://www.paralympic.org/london-2012-overview
Opinion - its good to see sports specifically for minority groups to encourage exercise and social interaction 
Quote - "It's actually tucked in my pants drawer in my room. Well, let's hope it's still there anyway.” -Nigel Murray (Great Britain, boccia) on where he put his bronze medal

7. Handball

Fact - Handball is said to be a combination of football, basketball and water polo. 
Statistic - The sport was awarded £2,924,721 funding between (2009-2013) in the UK http://www.uksport.gov.uk/sport/summer/handball
Opinion - This high intensity game is great for PE lessons as the students always get really involved
Quote - "I love handball, we all played handball as kids,” - Jan Molby 

8. Athletics 

Fact - There were a total of 47 Athletics events at the 2012 Olympic games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athletics_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
Statistic - 4 world records were broken in Athletics during the London 2012 Olympic games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athletics_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
Opinion - the vast diversity of athletics has to offer means theres something for everyone
Quote - If you're the Olympic champion then they have to wait four more years to get you again. - Usain Bolt http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/u/usainbolt447689.html

9. Archery 

Fact - The first world record of the 2012 games was broken in archery by Im Dong-hyun http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/olympics/19013793
Statistic - There was an equal number of competitors in archery during the London 2012 games with 64 men and 64 women competing.
Opinion - An acquired skill that takes precision and patience
Quote - Nothing clears a troubled mind better than shooting a bow - Fred Bear 

10. Taekwondo

Fact - Taekwondo  is one of only two Asian martial arts (the other being judo) included in the Olympic Games. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/7904896/London-2012-Olympics-taekwondo-guide.html
Statistic - There are 647 affiliated Taekwondo clubs in Great Britain (01/01/2012) http://www.worldtaekwondofederation.net/popularity
Opinion - this sport has been passed down through generations and has a great deal of respect attached to it
Quote - “You can only fight the way you practise” Miyamoto Musashi https://www.tumblr.com/search/taekwondo+quotes

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