Saturday 17 January 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Evaluation & Time Plan Diary

Studio Brief 4 - Design Processes, Communicate
Evaluation and Time plan diary 

I was exceptionally pleased with the outcome I produced in response to this brief. I feel the outcome resolves the problem stated within the brief that there was nothing to do with the coins once collected, My product transforms the coins into a piece of art that can be displayed stylishly within the home to interact with more accessibly than if they were placed in a book or a draw. I think my outcome answers the aims I set myself, these were; 

I aimed to create a stylish and innovative outcome to the problem

I aimed to fulfil the brief in a practical manner that has real life application for a large audience

I feel I have fulfilled these aims as my outcome is truly innovative and unique, as I was unable to find any similar products on the market through my research. I feel I have achieved my second aim as the product could easily fit into a home environment, it would be fairly cheap to produce so would not be unaffordable for the target audience. Overall I think I have succeeded in creating successful solution to the brief through the development of an original concept that is both functional and has a great aesthetic.

Time plan diary; 

As part of the brief I was required to manage my time efficiently and document this accordingly, I feel I managed my time well as I had a range of components, some of which that required prior booking,  that all needed to come together in time for my final critique. 

Monday 5th - Briefing, book printing slot for outcome 
Tuesday 6th - Thursday 8th - Research, defining brief and initial ideas 
Friday 9th - Development of concepts/ideas 
Monday 12th - Interim Critique, Book laser cutting slot 
Tuesday 13th - Laser cut, development of artwork 
Wednesday 14th - Print artwork 
Thursday 15th - Cut and assemble outcome 
Friday 16th - Final Critique

I stuck to my plan relatively well however needed the majority of Wednesday (14th) to complete my artwork as I changed my concept and needed new artwork to match the clinical style of the laser cut mount board. I feel I managed my time well however if I had longer to complete the brief I could have experimented with more colour variations and styles of pen for the creation of my artwork. 

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