Friday 16 January 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Drawing

Studio Brief 4 - Design Processes, Communicate

When it came to manufacture my outcome I had to consider all of the different components within my final outcome. As I had to book in to use the laser cutter this component has already been produced. I started with the artwork for my outcome for this I needed to use the vinyl cutter in the digital print resource, this was good as there is often no booking required for this piece of equipment. I had previously source my stock and pens ready to manufacture my outcome. I purchased black card from the College shop and sourced white and silver gel pens from staples. I decided to crete two variations of the design, one with white pen on black stock and another with silver pen on black stock, I thought these would produce different results and I could then pick the most appropriate outcome. 

I started by converting my file from a filled vector to a series of tightly spaced lines as the vinyl cutter ignores filled spaces and would just draw out the outlines, creating tightly spaced lines ensured the machine would fill the document essentially colouring it in. I had to get the technician from the print resource to assist me as I had never used the equipment before.

The technician then set the fed the pen into the machine and set the correct tolerances before starting the drawing process. I was really impresses with this process as the pen was so precise filling the page with my design with such accuracy and speed.  The process took around 20 minutes to complete but I estimate would have taken over an hour to draw by hand and the accuracy would have been far worse. I then switched the pen for the silver gel pen and created my second variation, due to the ink in the silver pen I feel the accuracy was better in the silver variation as the white pen used liquid ink which bled slightly on the page causing the small intricate text of the logos to be lost. When I saw both finished designs I thought they both looked incredibly good however I still could not make a clear decision as to which I would use for the final design, I decided to cut out both designs and lay them over the coins to see which looked best as a finished concept, I will also ask other students and lecturers for their opinions in order to make an informed decision. 



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