Friday 9 January 2015

Studio Breif 3 - Interim Critique

Studio Brief 3 - Design Processes, Page Layout (Indesign)

Interim Critique

On Friday (9/01/15) we we randomly split up into 5 groups and performed our own critiques on separated tables without a lecturer. I feel this method worked better as people seemed to voice their opinions more clearly as sometimes the presence of the lecturer can sometimes cause a lack of discussion during critiques. I presented my two concepts to the group and explain my reasoning behind them. My two concepts were to either A/ imitate the branding of the London 2012 games within my layout or B/ use a modernist layout as this style of design uses an international style (representative of the Olympic games ethos). I gained some invaluable feedback from this critique.

I presented these two concepts through a series of quick sketch page layouts I had created showing what a possible layout could look like based on each concept, I then talked through the concept thoroughly to make sure they understood the reasoning behind my initial design ideas. 

After I had presented my concepts I asked which concept the rest of the group felt strongest towards and which would work the best. All of the group said they preferred my modernist concepts and some of the reasoning behind this included; 

- 'I will mean its your own designs and not just copying the brand that a designer has already come up with, this will make it unique to you' 

- 'I love the modernist idea because it'll use lots of white space and simple colours' 

- 'I totally agree with your reasoning that a modernist design will reinforce the internationalist idea of the competition' 

I then asked for their opinions on how I could develop this concept and comments included; 

- 'Look at the designer otl aicher as he is a very minimalist designer that did some of the stuff for the Russian olympic games, if you combined this with the unique style of the london games you could create something very unique and cool' 

I explained that I was considering using a range of page layouts within my publication to which 6/9 people in the group through would be a cool idea with one member saying 'I like the idea of lots of different layouts', they suggested I could 'make a general grid that all the pages can relate to so it still flows and every pages doesn't look like a different book, if you can make this work use the same colour scheme on every page to ensure it flows as a single publication'. Following on from this discussion someone suggested I use the colour scheme of the olympic rings to 'reinforce the content'. 

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