Thursday 15 January 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Interim Critique

Studio Brief 4 - Design Processes, Communicate
Interim Critique

We were split into 4 groups and conducted our interim critiques for Studio Brief 4, I found this really useful as  I was able to get feedback on my concept and see peoples opinions towards my initial designs. I also found this critique especially engaging as we wrote our own briefs every persons was different, it was great to see the problems and ideas people had created in response to their own briefs. 

I explained my concept and showed the group some rough sketches of my designs to get feedback. Some of the comments included; 'Really creative' 'I like the idea of physically documenting venues geometrically'. Some of the group though it required a lot of work considering the short about of time we had to produce the outcome. One student said I was 'ambitious' and another said 'I think it will be easier to crit when you've actually started making it because its hard to visualise the concept.' 

When I asked them about the designs of the display art one student said 'I'm not sure if a harry beck style of illustration would work as all the other elements of the design are very abstract' I agree with this but feel I would have to experiment with it to know if the elements of the design come together. Another student said he thought it might be too busy and that I should consider simplifying it. I agree with these comments but feel I will have to experiment with the design to know what works best.  I am taking on board all of the feedback gained in this critique I especially agree with the fact that it may be easier to crib once I have started making it as then I can physically explain my concept, I will do this by holding an informal critique during a studio development session, I think this will lead to a better understanding of my concept and more in-depth feedback. 

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