Tuesday 6 January 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Manufacture

Studio Brief 2 - Design Processes, Research


To manufacture my books I only had 2 hours before my critique as it was the first day back after christmas, I wanted to experiment with different stock so printed my pages on watercolour paper, this worked well as it gave the pages an added weight and texture that was nice to hold in the hand. When I went to print my pages the computer in the digital print resource did not have Bodoni 72 installed on it, to solve this problem I went upstairs to the studio and tried to copy the file to my memory stick to install downstairs however so some unknown reason it did not appear, I then went to the office and could only get a copy of Bodoni (not Bodoni 72) when I installed this onto the computer in the digital print resource there was a difference between the fonts which caused some formatting errors such as orphans and missing text that was unintentional and a shame although due to time restrictions I didn't have time to amend all these changes. 

I was happy with the printing stock and outcome of the pages minus the formatting errors due to the font being unavailable, I then cut the pages out by hand using a craft knife to ensure that the sides were all the same size when put together. I thought the quickest and most practical way to bind the book would be using the spiral binder ever though it isn't the most aesthetically pleasing method, it was the most convenient under the time conditions I faced. 

I am relatively happy with the final outcome of my books I think overall they look relatively professional, I am glad I experimented with different stock as I think the watercolour paper adds a lot to the aesthetic with its weight and texture. If I were to reproduce these books I would find a copy of the original font I intended to use and then I feel I would be a lot happier with the outcome, I would also put more research into the design of the page. However I managed to amend some formatting errors in the 2012 Olympic Games book, I think this book is of a much higher quality finish that the British History as I had time to change major changed after the History book had printed. 

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