Tuesday 6 January 2015

Studio Brief 2 - British History Data Collation

Studio Brief 2 - Design Processes, Research

British History Data

The process behind the collation of my data was fairly simple, I looked at each coin to see which historical event was highlighted, I then looked on google for Facts, Statistics and Quotes from reliable sources (avoiding sites such as wikipedia) I then asked people who I knew had personal affiliations with the event to give me their opinions. For the words I kept it generalised to History to avoid a confusion. 

Words; History,School, Old, Plague, War, Death, Monarch, America, Religion, Castles, Pyramid, Middle ages, Invention, King, Dates, Horses, Establish, Time, Pirates, Dead

1. 2000 - 150th Anniversary of the Public Libraries Act

Fact - The first British library was opened in Manchester in 1852. 
Statistic -  4,191 public libraries were recorded in Britain (2012-2013) - ‘LISU’s UK Library Statistics’ http://www.lboro.ac.uk/microsites/infosci/lisu/lisu-statistics/institutions.pdf
Opinion - I read books to escape from everyday life
Quote - “The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.” Albert Einstein http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/277400-the-only-thing-that-you-absolutely-have-to-know-is

2. 2005 - 250th anniversary of Samuel Johnson dictionary

Fact - Samuel Johnsons dictionary took over 8 years to compile and complete
Statistic - Johnson was contracted 1,500 guineas for his dictionary, the equivalent of around £210,000 in 2014 
Opinion - This dictionary single handily revolutionised the English language
Quote - “There's no such thing as an unabridged dictionary.” Jack Lynch 

3. 2010 Celebrating 100 years of Girlguiding UK 

Fact - Girlguiding is the largest youth organisation for girls in the UK today.
Statistic - One in ten of all 11-year-old girls in the UK are Guides. 
Opinion - It’s a nice environment to make new friends at a young age
Quote - “The promise binds the Girl Scouts together as nothing else could do” - from the Girl Scout Handbook, 1929. 

4. 1998 50th anniversary of the National Health Service 

Fact - The NHS is the largest employer in the UK 
Statistic - The NHS deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours. 
Opinion - It’s a perfect example of a well established institution between the people and the state
Quote - "The NHS is one of the greatest achievements in history,” - Dr John Marks 

5.  2003 100th Anniversary of the formation of the Women's Social and Political Union

Fact - Emmeline Pankhurst founded the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903 to gain equal rights for women http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/womens_social_political_union.htm
Statistic - More than 1,000 suffragettes were imprisoned between 1908 and 1914. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/647198/Womens-Social-and-Political-Union-WSPU
Opinion - This union was a vital step towards genre equality in the United Kingdom
Quote - I would rather be a rebel than a slave - Emmeline Pankhurst  https://www.pinterest.com/pin/176484879122938916/

6. 2006 150th Anniversary of the institution of the Victoria Cross

Fact - The Victoria Cross was deliberately intended to have little actual value, in order to reinforce its semantic value
Statistic - The VC has been awarded 1,356 times 
Opinion - Well deserved recognition for truly brave individuals 
Quote -  “Behind every award of a Victoria Cross is a remarkable story involving all those qualities that we British hold most dear: loyalty, duty, sacrifice, care for others, a great good humour and a deep humility” - HRH The Prince of Wales 

7. 1998 United Kingdom's Presidency of the European Union, and the 25th Anniversary of the United Kingdom's accession to the European Economic Community

Fact - Politically, The European Union aimed to reduce international tensions in the aftermath of World War II 
Statistic - When the 27 EU member states were polled in spring 2010, distrust of the EU was most prominent in the United Kingdom (64%) 
Opinion - Freedom of movement is a great advantage to the people
Quote - The European Union is the world's most successful invention for advancing peace. - John Bruton 

8. 2007 Centenary of the Foundation of the Scouting Movement

Fact - In 2012 Scouting was voted the UK’s most inspirational and practical charity. 
Statistic - 31 million people are active in Scouting across the world – that’s equal to the population of Peru. 
Opinion - A great institution for keeping young children active and engaged
Quote - “In Scouting, a boy is encouraged to educate himself instead of being instructed.” - Baden-Powell  

9.  2014 The Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games

Fact - More than 140 Commonwealth records were broken in Glasgow. 
Statistic - Scotland’s most successful sporting event with over 1.2 million tickets sold
Opinion - Participating in the games was a great personal achievement that made me very proud
Quote - “The best and friendliest Commonwealth Games ever" - Alex Salmond 

10. 2008 A section of the Royal Arms showing elements of the third and fourth quarterings 

Fact - These new designs were the first wholesale change to the country's coinage since the first decimal coins were struck in April 1968. 
Statistic - There were over 4,000 entries in a public competition to find the new designs. 
Opinion - It’s a contemporary addition to the United Kingdoms coinage collection
Quote - "For designs of mine to appear on a medium as significant and prestigious as the United Kingdom's coinage and to be produced and circulated in millions is a tremendous honour.” - Matthew Dent 

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