Thursday 15 January 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Introduction

Studio Brief 4 - Design Processes, Communicate

You are to identify a problem from your individual research and provide an answer to it through the identification of and packaging of a product. You must the resolve this problem in an engaging and interesting way to a specific target audience.

I am looking forward to starting this brief as it is my first attempt at writing my own brief, I think this will make the brief more engaging as I can identify a problem I feel is a result of my combined research spanning over Studio Briefs 2 and 3.   I will aim to identify a relevant problem relating to my research this will test my problem solving skills and should ensure the briefs remains engaging from start to finish. 

Research plan; 
I aim to undertake a range of research throughout this brief. Firstly I will collate a range of primary research research to establish peoples opinions on the problems with coin collecting, I will then use this to see if there are any trends that I could exploit and use as my problem. Once I have identified the problem I can then write my own brief, for this I will research other briefs posted on E-studio to gain an understanding of the terminology and style used within brief writing. Following this I can then start to research the problem in more detail, looking at internet sources and seeing if there are already any existing resolutions to my brief before I start to create a range of initial ideas. I will then present these concepts to a group of students in an interim critique for feedback as to whether they think my concept would resolve the brief. 

Interpretation of the Brief; 
My interpretation of this brief is that it is a lot more independent that the previous briefs we have been given. Firstly it requires me to write my own brief as a result of identifying a problem with the research collated over studio briefs 2 and 3. Secondly it requires to me to manage my time efficiently throughout the use of a time plan diary that should be submitted with the module. I think this brief will provide me with an opportunity to think more critically about the problems I am faced with and design for a specific purpose as a result of the problem I have identified, I feel it will ultimately provide justification behind the brief as I will have identified the problem and developed the solution.

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