Tuesday 6 January 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Initial Ideas

Studio Brief 2 - Design Processes, Research

Initial Ideas  

As part of my research I researched a range of concepts that I could potentially expand on as my collection. I felt it was important to use the '100' as a starting point and ensure my collection relates to this feature as the brief is so vague I want to ensure that my collection applies to the minimal information given. 

I created a small mind map full as a quick idea generation activity, this helped me to gain a range of starting points I could then research further to determine if they would be successful if developed into full concepts for my collection. 

Looking back on my mind map I decided that bottle caps and apple products would be impractical to base my collection around as I currently do not have any bottle caps collected which would result in me using a large proportion of my time allocated to this brief sourcing the collection which I feel would be impractical. I have chosen to disregard apple products from my collection as although I have accumulated a range of apple products over the years I feel the collection is too generic as apple have expanded so much over the past 10 years. 

From my existing knowledge I know that coin collecting can be a popular hobby in the UK and across the world, I am aware that they produce a number of collectors and anniversary coins that do not appear in circulation and are made solely as collectors items. This topics would work well as a collection as it has clear links with the topic of '100' as I feel there is a fairly linear route "100>money>coins". I also know that my father has a small collection of 50p's that he keeps if the reverse design is interesting, this would make this collection personal to me and could help with collecting a range of primary data. 

Concert tickets;
I have unintentionally kept most of the tickets of concerts I have been too, this could make a good collection as it is very personal to me and my interests. I could accompany this with photographs I have taken at these concerts. My only doubts are that I am unsure how interesting an audience would find this topic as it is so personal, my other doubt is that I am unsure if I would have enough concert tickets to be able to create an in depth that could be sustained throughout the brief. 

This concept for a collection is still vague and I would need opinions from others during a critique to consolidate this idea. I could collect a range of keys that have no accompanying locks and compile these as a collection, I find the mystery of what they unlock intriguing and enigmatic. I feel this collection would photograph extremely well and could be creatively presented to a group however I am unsure how it would link to '100' and how I would acquire a range of keys that were all unique and have individual character. 

Clothing tags;
Over a number of years I have kept a range of clothing tags that I have found aesthetically pleasing, ones that incorporate a high quality finish and innovative shapes and imagery. I feel this could make a good collection as it is personal to me and my interests and it could relate to '100' by me accumulating the cost of the products to (or as close to) £100. 

I will present these four concepts to a group of lecturers and students in an interim critique and ask them for their opinions on my proposals and which one they would be most interested for me to take forward and continue with. 

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