Friday 9 January 2015

Studio Brief 3 - Grid Systems Research

Studio Brief 3 - Design Processes, Page Layout (Indesign)

Grid Systems Research 

Grid systems are an important way to lay my document out and ensure there is a consistent and aesthetically pleasing layout throughout. I stated my research on grid systems looking at a very useful source; this allowed me to see the different types of grid systems and see their main functions and in which occasions they would be most useful. 

The grid most applicable to my brief, I feel, is the Multicolumn Grid. It works best in publications that integrate text and image which is highly appropriate for me. I like the use of columns as they are aesthetically pleasing and means the readers does not have to read large bodies of text that can become strenuous. 

Example of a multi-column grid

Next I looked at Jan Tschichold's canon which reportedly achieves a 'perfect page layout' the source; helped me to understand the function of the golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence within page layout. I found that whatever the page size there will always be a 9x9 grid with text boxes 1/9th from the top and inside and 2/9's from the outside and bottom which relates back to my research on the golden ratio*. Tschichold argues that the page ratio is best a 2:3 as he claims this is within the golden ratio and Fibonacci Sequence and creates a text boxes that are proportional to the rest of the page.

The 'Perfect' page layout

Example layout using Tschichold's Canon

* The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio of 1:1.61 and is used within the Fibonacci sequence with basically describes the relationship between two proportions. It occurs frequently in nature and is said to be the source of all perfect design as it is naturally aesthetically pleasing. 

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