Sunday 27 March 2016

OUGD503 - Penguin Design Awards: Final Critique

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 1/Penguin Design Awards 

Final Critique 

Asking students and tutors for further feedback they liked this simplified aesthetic as they felt it was more ambiguous and cleaver in terms of its sexual connotations. comments from the students included 'the aesthetic is very contemporary with the use of colour and space, I like it' another student said 'I liked the original cover although think this is better in terms of distribution because its more ambitious and will fit in well to shops'. Asking for criticisms the only feedback I received was that the text was very small in terms of the title standing out. This was further addressed by tutors that advised me to make the tittle and author text more defined within the composition so it is more legible. I agree with this feedback and will make amendments to this otherwise am happy with the feedback and feel this cover design creates a strong resolution to the brief. 

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