Thursday, 3 March 2016

OUGD503 Collaborative Practice - Brief Analysis

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 2/Collaborative Practice 

Brief Analysis

Working with Billy we collaboratively talked through the brief analysing the different elements of the challenge to create a unified understanding of the problem and brainstorm how we wanted to target resolving the brief. We quickly established the target audience was a new demographic for gap and based on this age range estimated there would be a high percentage of young professionals within this demographic. Aware that they would be educated and switched on we decided we shouldn't 'spell it out' as this demographic are culturally aware and educated which will mean they can come to their own conclusions that gap is the best denim destination for them in conclusion spoon-feeding the information to them would be less effective. 

Key pieces of information we took from the brief included the target audience profile of 'individual' 'confident' and 'effortless' style, this suggested to both of us the campaign should not be reserved or too bland but bold and high impact to reflect these profile traits spelled out by GAP. This is reinforced when they talk about their customers lifestyle being a 'bigger, bolder world' that is based on 'diverse ideas, cultures and beliefs' this reinforced the initial suggestion of a bold, colourful campaign that breaks the current conventions of GAP advertising to break into this new demographic. 

This gave us contextualised inspiration to work from when talking about what we wanted from the resolution we talked though this analysis and identified we didn't have to spoon feed the four components that make up Gap denim. We established we would prefer to make the major focus of our resolution the way in which we innovatively reposition GAP through the social media campaign to break into this new demographic. With this we can touch on the education elements making customers aware of these components but not spelling each one out as we feel this would contrast the consumer profile from the brief.

Looking at the language of the brief we felt a bold colourful aesthetic would work with the adjectives used to identify the customer and describe the brand. Taking the brand and repositioning it to appeal to a younger demographic would require stepping away from the brand current advertising strategies to give a fresh contemporary feel to the campaign. 

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