Tuesday, 22 March 2016

OUGD503 Collaborative Practice - Impact Boards

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 2/Collaborative Practice 

Impact Boards

With them completion of the design elements that make up our social media campaign for Gap Denim, we then needed to produce Impact boards to succinctly explain our concept and design process to the judges. Talking to Billy we concluded I should produce the body copy having already written up my brief 1 impact boards so am familiar with the style of them and having a background in english language meant I was confident with using language to justify the design decision made in response to the brief. 

The first board needed to be high impact and summarise our concept affectively. The use of different technology platforms highlights how our concept can be easily transitioned across break points and will work on all devices creating more ways for the audience to interact with the content. This board highlights the diversity aspect within the campaign and boldly highlights the campaign aesthetic which works effectively in creating a old first impression of our resolution. 

The second board talks through the concept highlighting why we chose to go down an illustrative path and step away from Gaps previous advertising conventions. The bold illustrations on this page give a more detailed insight into the diversity of the illustrations and explains how this can be used to target the 'individual' within the campaign.

This board articulates our work behind the educational aspect of the brief. Creating unique infographics to highlight the four distinct aspects behind Gaps denim campaign. I presented these using an iPhone mock up to demonstrate how these would look in context and how they work well as a set. The high impact mock up looks professional and adds further support to the judging of our response. 

Due to limitations within the brief we felt a campaign website was the most effective way to fully educate the audience of the benefits of Gap denim. This board articulates how the campaign website is used as a centralised home to collate all the different aspects of the campaign succinctly under one platform. 

The final board looks forward to how the campaign could be extended to incorporate physical collateral to support the social media campaign. The in-store continuity will allow the campaign to transcend digital platforms and interact more physically with the audience within their daily lives. Product shots in context demonstrate how this would be possible and articulate to the judges how feasible this would be as a resolution to the brief.  

The impact boards work well to successfully articulate our concept and design decisions to the judges, the boards look professional and of a high quality which will aid the articulation of the information and will hopefully impress the judges. 

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